7 days 710km 13,750m

20th Sept - 28th Sept 2025


Day One complete! Hot hot hot today. We made good time up to St. Jean-Pied-de-Port today and spent a wonderful afternoon resting up at the Hotel Mendy in the original old village. Martin, Simon and Yours Truly spent most of the day on the front of the peleton. After the post-ride massages some of us took a stroll round the medieval walled town, followed by a few beers and coffees. 

We then had a lovely meal at the Hotel and most riders headed for bed to prepare for the long day tomorrow and the Col de Marie-Blanque.

I'm off to bed now as well. Talk tomorrow.

The Captain…….

Finally back on the bike in 2014! 32.5 miles @16.5mph so quite pleased but tired! First training ride of the year in readiness to support those of you that are coming on the Pedal The Pyrenees 2014.

Let me know how your training or day is going.

The Captain…



So that's Day 1 of this year's ride done and dusted. Weather was absolutely gorgeous and we did go at quite a pace….. 17.4mph average (about 27kmh in new money I think) which isn't too shaby for 2,500ft of climbing! We got several admiring glances and comments on our Pedal The Pyrenes kit on the road up to St Jean Pied de Port and also as we sat having a well earned beer.

We had a picnic lunch in the back garden of the Hotel Mendy in St Jean le Vieux in the shade of the trees as we ponderedf the challenge of the Marie-Blanque on Monday……..

I'll let you know how that went on my next post. Bye for now…..


Never show it you're scared, but do show it some respect.

The last 4km are really tough but worth it. Is it the hardest climb of the week? It was for me last year and I'm looking forward to the challenge again this year.

Definitely 1-0 to the mountain but can The Captain equalize?

This is the place to let us have your comments, questions, news etc.

You can keep up to date with fellow riders and our support team including the Support Riders.

Let us know how your training is coming along or just discuss any subject you want really.